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           Among the stacks and stacks of books out there on leadership, what makes The DNA of Successful Leaders stand apart from the rest in helping you succeed as a leader? The answer is simple. The book teaches you more about . . . you. It is built on one core and guiding principle: You were born to lead and influence others for the better. In other words, strong leadership is part of your genetic makeup-your DNA. But your leadership will only be effective and enduring if it is authentic-your being true to who you are.

            You'll discover not only all of your natural strengths but also your "blind spots"-the things you do and say that, outside your awareness, decrease or even destroy the trust others have in your competence or character or both. You?ll then be taught how to maximize your strengths while eliminating the blind spots. You'll find out what your true needs are, some of which you might have ignored or minimized to this point. You'll get fresh new insights about yourself from perspectives you've never considered. In fact, your reading The DNA of Successful Leaders will be punctuated repeatedly with "aha" moments about your or someone else's behavior that previously left you scratching your head in confusion or disbelief.

            You'll also learn what's driving the actions and words of all types of personalities and how to speak to them in their "language." Armed with these insights and tools, you'll begin to communicate with them in a way that not only connects with who they really are but also sparks in them a trust and desire to follow your leadership. The DNA of Successful Leaders will improve dramatically your odds of getting what you want to benefit yourself and others.

"Absolute dynamite!  This book is powerful stuff for anyone who wants to increase the power of their personal influence.  . . . This is simply the best treatise yet on personality power and how we can better understand ourselves and others.  . . Don't miss this one: it belongs on every bookshelf!!"
Kevin R. Miller, President, VisionBound International, Inc.

"Like Peter Drucker before him, Troy Tate clearly understands that the key is in going to our strengths and the strengths of those who matter to us. What makes this book so valuable is that Tate offers practical tools and a roadmap to find and take best advantage of that power. . ."
Peter Meyer, Principal of The Meyer Group and author of Warp-Speed Growth.

"Troy Tate's book is a must read . . . If you are in sales, you will significantly adapt your approach to match the type of person you are calling on and increase your closing ratios. If you are in business, you will better understand how to motivate employees. . . If you are reading this but don't own the book..go buy it now!     Andy Miller, President Think Training, Inc.